For situations where in person parent/child is either determined to be inappropriate or is not logistically possible due to other barriers, CFS provides supervised virtual visitation. This includes supervising parental access through video calling on HIPAA compliant platforms such as Zoom, and also through supervised telephone calls. Depending on the technology you use at home, our Social Workers are flexible and can arrange virtual sessions via Skype or Facetime.
CFS is also available to monitor email, text or written communication between a parent and child/ren. As with most CFS services, this can be utilized as a stand-alone service or as a compliment to other already utilized programs.
CFS COVID-19 Response
In our twenty years of practice, we have prided ourselves on innovative problem solving and developing solutions to best meet the needs of our community. As the pandemic has unfolded, we have continued to provide Supervised Access services in the safest, most child-centered manner possible. CFS Virtual Visitation Services have long been available and utilized by Courts and Family Law attorneys throughout New York City.
In these uncertain times, the option to do Virtual Visitation has become a vital lifeline for children and their parents whose contact is limited by the circumstances of the COVID-19 crisis. CFS’ Virtual Visitation can help mitigate distress to children and their parents by allowing supervised access to continue and limiting disruptions to relationships that are likely already strained due to family issues that have resulted in Court involvement. Moreover, CFS’ virtual services allow for some of the assessments and interventions directed by Courts to continue and provides the Court with neutral information from a relied upon provider to inform decisions being made.
CFS’ Virtual Visitation service can be utilized to provide supervision of parenting time through a few different modalities including, but not limited to supervised video conferencing and supervised phone calls. Another CFS Virtual Visitation service option is supervised virtual social work monitoring or supervision of in person parent/child contact via home-based camera system. CFS is also able to virtually monitor text/email communications and transfers of children between parents. As with all services, CFS remains available to discuss circumstances unique to specific cases so as to best determine the most appropriate protocol for each family.