Forensic Services
CFS is committed to providing innovative and most importantly, individualized social work services for any family in any situation, especially as they interface with the Court.
CFS programs are designed to meet the needs and requests of the Court and of the family differently and at different stages throughout the life of a proceeding. Our services can be best understood as being on a continuum of services that can be adjusted along with needs of a family.
Ancillary services provided by CFS such as Home Assessments, Drug and Alcohol Testing and Parenting Education programs are frequently utilized in conjunction with CFS’ visitation programs or can be stand alone services utilized during the course of litigation. See below for more details.
Supervised Visitation Services
Therapeutic Visitation
Supervised Visitation
Virtual visitation
Court appointed evaluations
Parenting Education & Support Services
(Please note that some of our parenting programs are offered through our sister company CTS)
NY State Certified Parents in Transition
ACS Approved Art of Parenting
Other Services
Client Advocacy and Interdisciplinary defense
Drug and alcohol testing
Home Assessments and Evaluations
CFS provides services to a diverse clientele. The cost of any CFS service or program is based on an hourly rate. The hourly rate is established based on income, assets, type of service, who is responsible for payment (shared or not) and estimated monthly usage.
Bridging Gaps
From evaluation to treatment, growth through crisis, CFS bridges families from conflict to conciliation.
— Rick Spitzer, Founder & Chairman